Program Development Intern
February-June 2021
Global SF: Women
Global:SF Women closes the entrepreneurship gender gap by providing tailored business services to women, creating sustainable, inclusive, and equitable economic growth in the Bay Area. Global:SF supports women entrepreneurs by providing high-quality resources, services, and access to a global network of mentors to support women in growing their businesses.
Graduate Assistant
June 2020 - Dec 2020
The Community Solutions Lab (CoLab)
A collaboration between California State University Monterey Bay, Middlebury Institute of International Studies, and the City of Gonzales, CA.
Strategic Planning
& Organizational Assessment - Intern
ECOPA - Intersections for Sustainable Living
ECOPA works to collaboratively design and implement inclusive solutions to complex economic, socio-cultural, and environmental problems in order to achieve lasting community transformation.
Summer 2020
Graduate Research Assistant
Assessment Team; Global Education for All initiative - UC Davis
"Committed to educating the next generation of problem solvers and change-makers, UC Davis is working towards Global Education for All—a goal aiming to provide 100% of our undergraduate, graduate, and professional students with global learning opportunities that change their lives and our world."
Enrollment & Match Team Lead
Big Brothers Big Sisters Independence
Big Brothers Big Sisters Independence is a donor-supported organization that enriches, encourages and empowers children to reach their highest potential through safe, one-to-one mentoring relationships.
Case Manager
Bethesda Project
Bethesda Project is a nonprofit organization that provides shelter, housing and supportive services to adults experiencing chronic homelessness in Philadelphia.
Auxiliar de Conversación
Spanish Ministry of Education
The English Language and Culture Assistants provides university students and graduates, native speakers of English, with the opportunity to support English teachers in Spain.
AmeriCorps Member
City Year Boston
City Year provides a powerful double bottom line: improved outcomes for students in systemically under-resourced schools and the cultivation of the next generation of leaders through our alum.
Social Work Intern
Columbus Public Health Department - Women's Health & Family Planning Clinic